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Showing posts from January, 2008

Hot Air

Jeez, you'd think that Apple had just introduced an aluminum apple crate as their new product while simultaneously announcing that they're going to convert all their stores to pie bakeries, judging by the reactions on tech boards and the stock price. Calm down, people.  The Mac Book Air is not for everyone.  Apple is not going out of business, nor are they shooting themselves in the foot. Today they came out with a lightweight notebook and some great upgrades to the Apple TV, the iPhone and a nifty new backup solution/wireless router.  Personally, we'd take one of each, please. The MBA is not for everyone.  It's not a gaming box.  It's not a high-end graphics box.  It's a very light, very stylish notebook that will work very well for professionals that already have a desktop machine. The hopeful part of this (at least, as far as our IRA is concerned) is that there was similar reaction to the iPod.