I realize I'm piling on at this point, but today this was unveiled: Apparently the moment that changed the world is the introduction of Photoshop, allowing legions of under-qualitified designers to perform un-licensed head strips. This is truly a horrifying concept, and we must send a Terminator back in time to terminate George Lucas before he founded ILM, thereby stopping Photoshop before it could be created , saving legions of illustrator's jobs and making the world a little prettier. Also, X-Men 2 did this concept (if you can call it that), much, much better: This is the latest in a long line of epic fail posters for this film: If you told me these were fan-created, I would believe you. If you told me they were official, I might have a breakdown. Please don't do that to me. These are sort of colorful, and don't feature blatant Photoshop disasters, but are fairly underwhelming, especially the taglines. It's kind of sad that the logo poster is the least o