Him being Owen Wilson. In the movie business there are generally things called likeness clauses. A likeness clause dictates how big your mug has to be in relation to anyone else's mug (and sometimes who is even allowed) in promotional materials, like posters. Generally when you're the star you get the provision that no one's likeness may appear bigger than your likeness in the poster. In the case of 2 stars, they generally have to be equal.
Which brings me to why you don't want Owen Wilson's agent:

It's not even close. Sure, Double-V's head is lower than OW's, but apparently Vincenzo is a giant. (Or Owen was passed over for the role of Mini-Me only because his nose is crooked.)
If it's still not clear, here's a Photoshopped version of the poster to illustrate how much bigger V2 is in this particular poster. Keep in mind that all I did was rotate the bits of his body. I scaled nothing. I didn't fix the bit of perspective on him (he's leaning back from the camera).

Maybe OW and VV are really good friends and OW doesn't care about his likeness clause. Maybe he'll tell you that he really likes this poster. Riiiiiiiiiiight. This is a town where we get out the ruler on 40 year-old movies to make sure that the billings are the correct percentage of title. Someone fell asleep at the switch. Multiple someones, in all likelihood, since the overall design of this poster is very underwhelming. I understand using the ubiquitous "Comedy White" solution, but couldn't someone come up with a visual concept than this?
Which brings me to why you don't want Owen Wilson's agent:

It's not even close. Sure, Double-V's head is lower than OW's, but apparently Vincenzo is a giant. (Or Owen was passed over for the role of Mini-Me only because his nose is crooked.)
If it's still not clear, here's a Photoshopped version of the poster to illustrate how much bigger V

Maybe OW and VV are really good friends and OW doesn't care about his likeness clause. Maybe he'll tell you that he really likes this poster. Riiiiiiiiiiight. This is a town where we get out the ruler on 40 year-old movies to make sure that the billings are the correct percentage of title. Someone fell asleep at the switch. Multiple someones, in all likelihood, since the overall design of this poster is very underwhelming. I understand using the ubiquitous "Comedy White" solution, but couldn't someone come up with a visual concept than this?
Was that another remake I just heard being released?