And I must apologize...
For this:

And this:

And this (but more for the first two):

I tried, I really did. I tried to make them better. Tried to capture the essence of the original illustrations. (and I defy anyone to tell me that the poster images for IV and V are the ones that pop to mind when you think back. The photo versions we did of this and this were better. Much better.
"Hey kids! When you buy them, you get the original poster art..."
...on the back.
Well, at least they're better than the last ones. Not that that justifies anything. It's hard to work on a project you love when the people who control it now view it just as a cash cow to trot out and re-fill the coffers whenever they feel like. And no, I'm not exaggerating. Do you know why there hasn't been a balls-out, must-have collector's version of any of these? In a time when even fucking Showgirls gets the super-boxed set treatment??
Because they know that it will sell anyway and refuse to do any more than the bare minimum. You have to kind of admire that kind of hubris don't you?
So, you do what you can. You don't this 5 times before, but you try to make it the best. Try to make it something that you yourself might actually pick up. And then they tear it apart and distill it down to something almost but not entirely unlike the original spirit of these films.
This release should have been done in 3 different covers, at the very least. Instead, we had to do something that was for the fans, for moms and for people that remembered seeing the originals in '77, '80 & '83. I'm not kidding. I think what we wound up with pleased almost no one. Better than the last ones, though.
But I had no power to avert this tragedy. I give up. No mas. It is obvious now that GL hates those of us that love the originals and cares only about making more money. Well, fine. Fuck you, too. At least I have the new Blade Runner releases to look forward to.
I'd make a joke about the creator becoming the Empire, but I don't have it in me anymore.
For this:

And this:

And this (but more for the first two):

I tried, I really did. I tried to make them better. Tried to capture the essence of the original illustrations. (and I defy anyone to tell me that the poster images for IV and V are the ones that pop to mind when you think back. The photo versions we did of this and this were better. Much better.
"Hey kids! When you buy them, you get the original poster art..."
...on the back.
Well, at least they're better than the last ones. Not that that justifies anything. It's hard to work on a project you love when the people who control it now view it just as a cash cow to trot out and re-fill the coffers whenever they feel like. And no, I'm not exaggerating. Do you know why there hasn't been a balls-out, must-have collector's version of any of these? In a time when even fucking Showgirls gets the super-boxed set treatment??
Because they know that it will sell anyway and refuse to do any more than the bare minimum. You have to kind of admire that kind of hubris don't you?
So, you do what you can. You don't this 5 times before, but you try to make it the best. Try to make it something that you yourself might actually pick up. And then they tear it apart and distill it down to something almost but not entirely unlike the original spirit of these films.
This release should have been done in 3 different covers, at the very least. Instead, we had to do something that was for the fans, for moms and for people that remembered seeing the originals in '77, '80 & '83. I'm not kidding. I think what we wound up with pleased almost no one. Better than the last ones, though.
But I had no power to avert this tragedy. I give up. No mas. It is obvious now that GL hates those of us that love the originals and cares only about making more money. Well, fine. Fuck you, too. At least I have the new Blade Runner releases to look forward to.
I'd make a joke about the creator becoming the Empire, but I don't have it in me anymore.