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Enough already

Adobe (makers of PDF and Photoshop) have announced that they are going to devour the company known as Macromedia (makers of Flash and other junk). Joy.

I don't throw my lot in with the whole "corporations are evil" crowd, but this is not a good thing. It's not like the EA/NFL deal (which was initiated by the NFL for reasons known only to Lucifer); it may be worse.

Macromedia was Adobe's only competition in at least a couple spaces, such as image editing and web interface builders. This means effectively no competition for the new GoLive/Dreamweaver product, and likely, no innovation. The only good that could possibly come of this is if the Flash interface gets fixed, because right now it blows yaks. I'm not holding my breath. Hopefully the regulators will disallow this one.

Later in the day, videogame retailer Gamestop announced it's pending assimilation of videogame retailer Electronics Boutique. It's the hip thing to do, apparently.

Tomorrow I expect to read that Latigo Flint will be acquired by Blog Ho or LBB. Just Another Day will announce tomorrow the acquisition of Carnies Ain't Creepy. Rumors are that the site will be shut down, the existing content repurposed as a web comic and lots of t-shirts with obscure references for sale. There were also rumors of what might be done with Gil, but they're not fit to be repeated here.


R. MacKay said…
Actually, I heard that Adobe was being acquired by the Metopolitan Water District as they needed to put an aqeduct through their parking structure.

Following this, Microsoft (a.k.a.- Microsquish) acquired the MWD, citing the need to research new wider bit paths in their upcoming line of CPUs. They planned to do this by analyzing the aqeduct system.

But that was just a rumor.
Maia said…
I'd like my camp to start acquiring other camps. Then maybe I could get a promotion.
Latigo Flint said…
Well at least maybe Ho or the LBB would have the necessary clout to fix the unholy, mock title that a certain website slanders me with.

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