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I want my golden ticket. I want it now.

Tim Burton's version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will be the greatest movie of all time. Sorry, Brian, but the title will belong to The Life Aquatic only until CatCF ascends to its rightful place atop the highest of peaks. It will burn that 70's abomination that was the Gene Wilder version from our collective consciousness. I have longed for such a scouring since before time became time.

If you liked that other version, you either haven't read the book or you like to punch kittens. I am not discounting the possibility that both apply to some of you.


Zach Pennington said…
Obviously both apply to you.

[Darthmoridin makes a note in his little black book.]
Anonymous said…
I agree with every single word the Rube wrote. I consider myself an independent thinker, perfectly capable of forming my own opinions, but in this case there simply is no need. (BTW, I've never punched a kitten, but I have been known to take their cuddly cuteness up in my big calloused hands and slowly start to squeeeeeeeze.)

Zach Pennington said…
Oh, good. My first "Me too!" comment. I am that much closer to achieving full internet stereotype status with this blog. If I can get a couple of comments decrying the sellout status of web comics, bloggers, and/or The Pope or the evil nature of large corporations, I can post on Slashdot.

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